Saturday, April 13, 2013

First Post

Hello internet,

I have never had a blog before, I always thought they were pretty dorky and a little narcissistic (do you really think the whole world cares?). I still kind of feel this way, so I'm slightly embarrassed to be writing this, but I also thought this would be a fun way to keep track of the progress on our first home and share the experience with family and friends (and the whole world!?!)

We put in an offer on the house in early January. It was the first and only house we ever looked at. Not very typical in this housing market I'd have to say! After a few days of back and forth and a few other offers pending, our offer was accepted! Ah! What did we just do? It's a giant four-square house that needs to basically be gutted and completely remodeled top to bottom. And it's a foreclosure, so what we see is what we get. But with Adam's carpentry skills and my fantasy of living out an episode of anything on HGTV, we are ready for the challenge.

 Since then it has been nothing but missed deadlines and a waiting game with the stupid foreclosing bank. Our closing date is now set to a week and a half from today. We've been sketching and brainstorming and dreaming up plans for the remodel. I told Adam we definitely needed to buy some books on electrical and plumbing work, and joked that maybe we should get a book on how to make a relationship survive through your first big remodeling project. He joked back that we'd be writing the book on that. I sure hope so!

Okay I better start packing,


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