Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week 1: The Money Pit

Sooooo the drama is finally over! I lost count of how many closing dates were set and passed. On more than one occasion it became almost certain we were losing the house. Our landlord got confused or forgot that she agreed to allow us to lease month to month until we closed, and we were homeless! Holding on by a thread we moved in with my cousin Amy and her husband Nate for just over a month (THANK YOU!). Drama ensued, the banks were crazy, and our realtor and mortgage broker were at each other’s necks! The whole thing was so up in the air that the day before closing we were still handing in applications for apartments, just in case. But a little over a week ago, on May 30th, we turned the key!!!
It’s been almost comical since then. I was fully away that we would basically be “camping” for the first week, but I had no idea how literal that would be. Without a fridge or stove, we had a cooler and a grill. No problem. Then we realized there was no hot water. Then we realized only two electrical outlets worked on the entire first floor! Haha, it certainly is a fixer upper!
After a week of cold showers a plumber came to fix the hot water heater (thanks Pete Baker!). Thank the Lord! And the same day our fridge and oven were delivered (thanks Vern’s appliance, Lodi, WI!). Unfortunately, the plumber was being careful not to over tighten a plastic fitting, but ended up not getting it quite tight enough and I came home to literally an inch of water in the kitchen floor! It took some time to clean up but does not appear to have done any damage (contained to the linoleum) except perhaps to the plumber’s ego. He came back and fixed it right away though. No worries! We will for sure hire him again.
Then the stove would not heat up…. we discovered the electric was worse than we thought. Only about 100 amps going to the 220 amp outlet so not enough power for a stove. Good thing its summer and we love to grill!
After how hard we fought to get this house, all the troubles we have encountered so far have not even fazed us. We are so happy and excited to make this place our own! We even have already had someone come to our door and ask if we wanted to sell! In less than a week! We obviously have a good thing going here.
Roof get’s torn of tomorrow! Let the demo begin!
